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Join us for 2 Days of LIVE Trading on 5 Aug to 6 Aug 2021, 7pm GMT +8

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Dr Clemen Chiang

Founder of Spiking & Creator of "Insider Trading Masterclass"

I help new traders learn the ropes with simple but powerful insider trading secrets so that you can invest alongside the giants of the markets, make a lot of money and have a lot of fun in the process!

The ‘Insider Trading Masterclass’ is the foundational principle that every one of my trading strategies is filtered through.

Without it, you’ll continue to stare at useless charts, wondering how to get started and simply HOPING you eventually, see returns...

Instead, you can uncover how to INVEST with an EDGE and jump-start your way to generational freedom!

The Insider Trading Masterclass

What does "INSIDER TRADING" means?

✺The very definition of "Insider Trading" means that you’re acting on confidential information to trade the stock exchange to your advantage.
✺YES, that’s highly illegal and NO this "Insider Trading Masterclass" is not to show you how or advise you do that because of one simple reason... You Don’t Need To!
✺So why? The thing is, all the information you need is already out there and it’s all public knowledge. The main problem is many people do not know where to look and what they should look at. And lastly, how to interpret all the massive pieces of information, link the dots together, and make a move on the market.
✺"Legitimate Insider Trading" means having easy access to powerful data to literally show you where the BIG money is going so you can stand on the shoulders of giants and profit too!
✺With the right data and the right foundational framework, you will have the power to accelerate your trading success, make big money in a short amount of time, and secure the future you and generations to come deserve!

Getting started with trading can easily become overwhelming, confusing, and even frustrating.

While there are many ways to trade - as your teacher, it’s my job to keep you FOCUSED on what is going to make you the most money!

To help you do that, there are three FILTERS to quickly narrow down your opportunities to only focus on those that have the highest potential profits...

AND, provide you with the fundamental and technical FACTS that you need in order to trade with phenomenally high win rates that give you a SUBSTANTIAL edge over even seasoned traders!


Cryptos - Options - Stocks

No more distractions! Stay focused on these three instruments to create your first ‘pot of wealth’. Highly liquid, ready to buy or sell. AND you get to enjoy them before you die (compared to insurance)! These are the proven tools employed by the rich to get richer.


WOW Events - Announcements - Recurring Events

You must be able to quickly and easily filter your opportunities down because in order to make BIG MONEY, an asset must be able to SPIKE (this is the really fun part)!


Fundamentals - Insider Data Alerts - Technicals

Finally, once we’ve narrowed down our opportunities, it’s time to analyze the fundamentals and technicals of each. SPOILER ALERT: I make this SUPER easy!

What Are Students Saying?

“I was completely unaware that there are a lot of insiders to look at before we start making our investment journey. Looking at spiking, this is the first time seeing that there is a lot of investors we should be looking at. From Spiking, I gain Confidence. ”

“I am totally new. I'm not sure how to invest. There are so many instruments and ideas out there that made me very confused and I didn't know what to do. After joining Spiking, I have a lot of clarity on what the stocks market does. Through Dr. Clemen's sharing and insight, I realize investing can be quite easy ”

“Before signing up I was skeptical just like all of us. But then looking at one WhatsApp message from the WhatsApp chat, there was one stock I actually spotted. I bought into it, it spiked up in a few days, and I let go of it. I thought maybe it was fate. I bought the software and started my journey on Spiking. I like it so much because of how easy the method, the strategy behind it. It's Clear. The platform is simple. It eliminates a lot of questions. ”

“Particulary, like the Daily Bread. For me, after using the Spiking App, let's just say there's no more complicated chance. No more trying to guess the intrinsic value of the company.”

“I didn't know how to identify the right stock and exit at the right moment. Through Spiking, I have gotten this info. I have learned a lot, including the exact moment and how to enter, and how we can follow the insiders, the whales. What I love about the Spiking platform is that it provides a lot of information. It's very clean and very easy to navigate throughout. I would definitely recommend this to my friends who are the fence. ”

“Spiking helps in the various analysis, from fundamentals to insider buys, to alerts on triggers, and technical analysis as well. That is actually a lot of help. For those, like me who are undecided, I recommend not write it off right away. Give it a try as I did, together with your own trading style. Overall, I am very thankful that I am able to hear Clemen teach. ”

“To be really frank, it was an amazing experience to see Spiking Wealth Management System. I have never seen anything like this before. Everything you want to know about analyzing a company is all present on a single page. The FDA Stocks, resurrection stocks have been a great revolution to me. The Daily Breads are a real heavenly mannah. Using Daily Bread, I made 700 dollars after the first program. ”

“Just going through the traditional analysis has taken a whole lot of my time. And always, I couldn't get one potential stock to my trades. When Clemen opened up his Spiking platform, it just opened up my mind. Today, it makes my most profitable trades ever. Money is just continually flowing into my account. ”

“Learning from Dr. Chiang through the stocks, options, and cryptos classes have pushed my knowledge through the roof. His teaching style is second to none. He's super passionate about his knowledge and makes sure that his students actually get it. I look forward to seeing where these game-changers take us. I believe Spiking takes the average investor to the next level. ”

“For me, Spiking has minimized my risk. With minimal risk, I was able to achieve maximum returns in a very short period of time. I tested this on the 26th of May by entering a trade and exiting on the 28th of May and I achieved 300% within 2 days. This was before I even learned the strategy, which compresses time even further. Spiking has created a revolution in investing. I personally am excited, honored, and feel blessed that I am part of the Spiking Community for the long-time. ”

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.