Next session for Trade Through The Night

17 August, 2021, 8:30PM GMT+8

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Dr. Clemen Chiang

CEO & Founder

BEng (Nanyang), MBA (Louisville), Ph.D. (Canberra)
DipM FCIM Chartered Marketer
CMgr FCMI Chartered Fellow
CWM FGAFM Chartered Wealth Manager

Serial Entrepreneur and Engineer by trade with expertise launching new companies and scaling startups to profitability in the technology and finance sectors. FinTech Expert and Trusted Advisor focused on designing, developing, and executing go-to-market strategies for innovative software solutions to enable data-driven investment decision-making at scale. Spiking CEO and Founder, Dr. Clemen Chiang, has trained over 50,000 students on how to maximize their investments and now you.


Living Trading 12 Sessions

Just like the course name, it is LIVE Trading for 12 sessions a year, once a month. Getting started with trading can easily become overwhelming, confusing and even frustrating. While there are many ways to trade - as your teacher, it’s my job to keep you FOCUSED on what is going to make you the most money! To help you do that, there are three FILTERS to quickly narrow down your opportunities to only focus on those that have the highest potential profits… AND, provide you with the fundamental and technical FACTS that you need in order to trade with phenomenally high win-rates that give you a SUBSTANTIAL edge over even seasoned traders!

Get F.I.T

Finally once we’ve narrowed down our opportunities, it’s time to analyse the fundamentals and technicals of each.

  • Fundamentals

    Fundamental analysis is a critical step in determining the intrinsic value of the particular stock or asset and whether we want to invest in it, and If so - under what timeframe.

  • Insider Data Alerts

    One of the single most important elements of your insider trading strategy! Having insider data means you can SEE where BIG MONEY is being spent from the top 100 institutions and managers because if they buy BILLIONS, it’s probably a good idea you join the ride! (Bonus: The Spiking platform gives you this data AND the alerts when it happens)

  • Technicals

    There are over 200 different candlestick patterns (yawn), but there is only ONE technical analysis metric that you need which is the MOTHER OF ALL METRICS!

Recommended Course

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  • $218,880.00

    $218,880.00Dr. Clemen Chiang's Inner Circle ⭕️ Live Coaching 52 Weeks

    Serious in creating massive wealth for yourself? Join the Weekly LIVE Coaching now!
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